Consortium Initiation, Funding and Management

As an expert in consortiums initiation and management, I provide a variety of services to companies and academic institutions. Some of the key services I offer include:

Consortium initiation: I work with organizations to identify potential partners and develop a strategy for forming a consortium. This includes identifying common goals and objectives, developing a governance structure, and outlining roles and responsibilities for each partner.

Consortium integration: Once a consortium is formed, I work with partners to ensure a smooth integration process. This includes developing and implementing communication protocols, establishing a collaborative work environment, and identifying and addressing potential conflicts.

Technical management: I provide technical expertise to consortium partners to ensure the successful execution of the project. This includes managing the project budget, coordinating research activities, and monitoring progress to ensure that milestones are met on time and within budget.

Program financing and funding: I assist organizations in identifying and obtaining funding from various sources, including government incentives, national and international funds. I also help organizations with developing project financing and funding strategies, including identifying potential funding sources and preparing funding applications.

Strategic partnerships: I connect companies with the right strategic partners to enhance the chances of success, improve the developed product quality and cut the time to market.

Overall, my goal is to help organizations effectively form and manage consortiums to achieve their research and development objectives. I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, and I am dedicated to helping organizations succeed.

Read more about Our Consortiums